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Dear Customers,
Following the national lockdown announcement end of October 2020, the hotel is open some days of the week; unfortunately, we are not able to open every day of the week.
You will find more details to see which weeks we are open by checking on our information page whose link is at the end of the message or by calling us.

Everything is done to make your stay as pleasant as possible under the current conditions: a few dinner options and an à la carte breakfast served in your room.

We have worked hard and are trained on our new health and cleaning protocols in order to welcome you in the best possible conditions.
Due to these new health and safety measures, we inform you we had to modify some of our services.

You will find more information on our page, « >Our health measures for a relaxing stay » which you can find in the section « Relaxing ».

We hope to see you again soon in our hotel!

The BW Hotel San Benedetto team