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The Castle of Tiffauges


Book your room in our Best Western San Benedetto *** hotel in Cholet and enjoy a day in the famous Castle of Tiffauges !


Located at less than 30 minutes by car from our hotel, we offer you a return to the Middle Ages by visiting the Castle of Tiffauges, a cultural and playful visit not to be missed !

Perched on its rock, the castle of Tiffauges has a rich past separating the kingdom of France from Brittany. This castle is the largest medieval ruin in the whole Vendée.


What is the purpose of a fortified castle ?

It is to defend itself against the barbarians that the first fortified castles were built. The site of Tiffauges seemed very indicated for the establishment of a fortified refuge.


A bit of history ...

The Castle of Tiffauges was created and modified over the centuries by three families :
  • From the XIIth to the XVth centuries : The Viscounts of Thouars who erected the stone keep and all the ramparts.
  • In the XVth century : Gilles de Rais who built the residential area with a living room-kitchen and who reinforced the keep with the moat and the entrance chatelet.
  • In the XVIth century : Louis de Vendôme who erected artillery towers on the northwest side of the site.
  • The Wars of Religion and the Vendee Wars passed through here and the castle was destroyed.

The emblematic character of this castle

Perhaps his name rings a bell? Gilles de Rais is THE lord of the place !

Gilles de Rais is known to be the great lord of the marches of Brittany, a hero of the Hundred Years War alongside Joan of Arc, promoted to the title of Marshal of France.
However, Gilles de Rais remains above all famous for his alchemical distractions (belief in the occult science of the Middle Ages which sought among other things to discover the philosopher's stone).

Known also for his serial crimes by raping and murdering many children and young people, Gilles de Rais is nicknamed the "Bluebeard of Nantes", in reference to the legend of Bluebeard.
Moreover, his castle is nicknamed "Bluebeard's Castle".


What to see concretely at the Castle of Tiffauges ?

  • The fortress of Tiffauges : The most imposing medieval ruin of the whole Vendée, it is classified Historical Monument in 1957.
  • The conservatory of the machines : This unique conservatory constitutes the largest collection of medieval reconstitution objects in operation in Europe.

Why visit this castle rather than another ?

The site of the castle of Tiffauges proposes you :
  • Live firing demonstrations with reconstructed medieval war machines, as part of a show on the art of war.
  • An initiation to the throwing of projectiles on these unique and impressive machines.

Location & contact :

Castle of Tiffauges - 85130 TIFFAUGES -FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)2 51 67 60 00


Price list :

From € 6 to € 14 per person depending on your age and the package chosen (day AND/OR night) .
Reduced rates also exist.


Opening hours :

The Château de Tiffauges site is open every year from April to the end of September.

Additional information and online reservations are available (website in French) :
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Dear Customers,
Following the national lockdown announcement end of October 2020, the hotel is open some days of the week; unfortunately, we are not able to open every day of the week.
You will find more details to see which weeks we are open by checking on our information page whose link is at the end of the message or by calling us.

Everything is done to make your stay as pleasant as possible under the current conditions: a few dinner options and an à la carte breakfast served in your room.

We have worked hard and are trained on our new health and cleaning protocols in order to welcome you in the best possible conditions.
Due to these new health and safety measures, we inform you we had to modify some of our services.

You will find more information on our page, « >Our health measures for a relaxing stay » which you can find in the section « Relaxing ».

We hope to see you again soon in our hotel!

The BW Hotel San Benedetto team