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Best Western Rewards ®
An international loyalty scheme
Each stay in one of over 4,100 hotels worldwide earns you points!
Enjoy free nights at any Best Western hotel by earning points, starting with your first booking.
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Best Western loyalty card

Discover the Best Western Rewards® loyalty program

The Best Western Rewards® loyalty club allows you to earn points that never expire and can be redeemed at any Best Western hotel.

Enjoy up to 10% off your first reservation, free cancellation up to 72 hours prior to arrival, free nights worldwide, early bird private sales and lifetime points in the gift shop all year round!


Become a member of the Best Western Rewards® loyalty club

Creating your account is fast, easy and free!
Go to and fill in your details.

Once your registration is validated, book your next stay at the Best Western Hotel San Benedetto in Cholet and start collecting your Best Western Rewards® points as soon as your first stay!


Your loyalty is rewarded thanks to the following statuses

BLUE: 1€ = 10 POINTS | From your first stay
  • up to 10% discount
  • access to the online gift shop

GOLD: 1€ = 11 POINTS | From 5 nights OR 3 stays OR 5000 points
PLATINUM: 1€ = 11,5 POINTS | From 7 nights OR 5 stays OR 7500 points
DIAMOND: 1€ = 13 POINTS | From 15 nights OR 10 stays OR 15000 points
DIAMOND SELECT: 1€ = 15 POINTS | From 25 nights OR 20 stays OR 25000 points
  • check-in / check-out facilities
  • upgrades according to availability
  • a welcome gift
  • additional bonus points

Offers available all year round

Dedicated to Best Western Rewards® members, the discounts are valid all year round. They apply to the flexible rate (up to -10%) and to promotional rates (-€5 on public rates). These discounts only apply to reservations made for stays in France and in the Mahgreb, on the website, on the Best Western Rewards® mobile application, via the central reservation system or directly with the hotelier.

For more information, please contact our reception team by telephone on 02 41 62 07 20.
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Reception open<br>24 hours a day
Reception open
24 hours a day
Bar & Patio
Bar & Patio
Secure car park
Secure car park
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Join the Best Western Rewards® Loyalty Club for free and enjoy free nights by earning points starting with your first stay.
Best Western Rewards
Need help?
Want to ask a question?
Dear Customers,
Following the national lockdown announcement end of October 2020, the hotel is open some days of the week; unfortunately, we are not able to open every day of the week.
You will find more details to see which weeks we are open by checking on our information page whose link is at the end of the message or by calling us.

Everything is done to make your stay as pleasant as possible under the current conditions: a few dinner options and an à la carte breakfast served in your room.

We have worked hard and are trained on our new health and cleaning protocols in order to welcome you in the best possible conditions.
Due to these new health and safety measures, we inform you we had to modify some of our services.

You will find more information on our page, « >Our health measures for a relaxing stay » which you can find in the section « Relaxing ».

We hope to see you again soon in our hotel!

The BW Hotel San Benedetto team