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Romantic weekend in Cholet

Want to discover an ideal destination for a romantic weekend?

Our team proposes you to discover what to do during a romantic stay in Cholet in Maine-et-Loire. Maine-et-Loire is a little corner of Paradise

To organize your stay in a hotel, the Best Western San Benedetto *** located in the city center of Cholet offers you rooms and a pleasant setting to relax! Bar, zen patio and even fitness room, all in a zen and modern atmosphere.

A stay offer with breakfast included!

The Best Western San Benedetto *** offers you the reservation of your room with breakfast included, a breakfast offering more than 50 gourmet products to satisfy you.

Book your stay in advance and get discounts!

You can also take advantage of an unmissable offer at the Best Western San Benedetto *** with the advance booking that allows you to save 10 to 20% on the price of your stay. Simply book several weeks in advance to take advantage of this discount.

Activities to do as a couple during your stay

A walk on the water

For a weekend full of sweetness, we advise you to take a trip on the Loire River aboard a traditional boat. On the agenda, a total change of scenery, escape and wonder. Through this commented cruise, you will discover the secrets of the Loire, its villages and its incredible landscapes that will fill your eyes. A unique trip to realize during your romantic weekend in Cholet.

If you are tempted by this trip, we invite you to book your boat trip on the Loire River directly online.

A bike ride

Opt for a bike ride in the middle of nature or on the banks of the Loire and enjoy an exceptional panorama. You will be able to discover charming small villages that offer tranquility and a total change of scenery. Also, it's a perfect opportunity to relax around a picnic and enjoy this moment together with a direct view on the river.

Getaway in the heart of the vineyards

Take advantage of a weekend in Cholet to visit the local winemakers and discover their delicious Muscadet and Malvoisie wines! This is an ideal and charming getaway for wine lovers and will allow you to taste a glass of white wine at the same time.

Don't forget to take advantage of the sublime views of the hillsides as you stroll through the vineyards and their plots!

A night show at the Puy du fou

What could be better than ending your evening with the night show of the Puy du fou ?

Let yourself be transported through 7 centuries of history, from the Middle Ages to the Second World War, thanks to the spectacular staging of the Cinescénie. Its show, which mixes romance, legends and real facts of the time, is considered today as the biggest night show in the world!

The giant fresco takes us on a journey through a fairy-tale world, while being comfortably seated in a huge panoramic stand. An unmissable stop during your stay in Cholet that will fill your eyes.
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Reception open<br>24 hours a day
Reception open
24 hours a day
Bar & Patio
Bar & Patio
Secure car park
Secure car park
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Dear Customers,
Following the national lockdown announcement end of October 2020, the hotel is open some days of the week; unfortunately, we are not able to open every day of the week.
You will find more details to see which weeks we are open by checking on our information page whose link is at the end of the message or by calling us.

Everything is done to make your stay as pleasant as possible under the current conditions: a few dinner options and an à la carte breakfast served in your room.

We have worked hard and are trained on our new health and cleaning protocols in order to welcome you in the best possible conditions.
Due to these new health and safety measures, we inform you we had to modify some of our services.

You will find more information on our page, « >Our health measures for a relaxing stay » which you can find in the section « Relaxing ».

We hope to see you again soon in our hotel!

The BW Hotel San Benedetto team